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SUIT & The Lit Fest

SUIT’s Christiane Jenkins has led an incredible art therapy project which has seen the work featured in the local literature festival! Here is a summary of this project by Christiane:


Service users and volunteers from SUIT took part in an exhibition for this year’s Wolverhampton Literature Festival in the Mander Centre Community Hub. Thanks to Poet in Residence Ian Henery, SUIT were able to display artwork created from an ongoing project involving the creative arts group, facilitated by volunteer Christiane.


We worked hard and quickly to get it ready in time, and it was a great success, with fantastic and encouraging comments from Pat McFadden MP, Councillor John Reynolds, and Andy Phillips, Chair of the Friends of Wolverhampton Art Gallery to name a few.


The project has used art & words to communicate our feelings towards our experiences of addiction and is an insight into how the creative arts builds resilience and provides better recovery outcomes for people with complex social & emotional challenges.


Many of my service users have never painted or written creativity before, but we have supported each other every step of the way, and they have been encouraged to understand their talents.


The project is about people, community, and social cohesion!