Wolverhampton Substance Misuse Service 0300 200 2400

Under 18s Quick exit

A week in the life of a volunteer

As a volunteer at our service, you can make a huge difference to people’s lives, sometimes in very simple ways. Many of the users of our service are just beginning to move on with their lives or have never been shown effectively how to deal with everyday issues that you or I might find very straightforward.

Having a volunteer on hand who can help them to take practical steps to take control of their lives can make all the difference in rehabilitating people and setting them on the right path – permanently.

You’ll be offered training in your volunteer role and you’ll be supported by members of staff. Here’s a snapshot of the types of issues a volunteer might deal with in an average week.


A user of our service has received a
court summons due to Council Tax arrears.


The volunteer liaises with relevant agencies to advocate
on behalf of the person affected.


A payment plan is put in place resulting in
the court
summons being cancelled.



A user of our service has received a Housing Benefit
sanction with court summons for eviction.


The volunteer advocates on behalf of the user
of our service with the Housing Benefit department.


Housing Benefit is reinstated and outstanding arrears
paid in full resulting in the court summons being cancelled.



An unpaid bill leads to the threat of bailiffs visiting.


The volunteer contacts the electricity supplier
on behalf of the user of our service.


Payment plan agreed and pre-paid meter fitted as requested.



A user of our service has had their
Employment Support Allowance (ESA) cancelled.


The volunteer supports the person affected and attends
the appeal hearing to advocate on their behalf.


Decision overturned, benefit reinstated and back pay authorised.



A couple of people are found not to be claiming benefits
they’re probably entitled to as they are finding the process too difficult.


The volunteer helps them to complete the
Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claim forms.


Awaiting decision.