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Wolverhampton Recovery Walk 2022

Residents are being invited to join a Recovery Walk in Wolverhampton next week to celebrate people’s recovery from addiction and dependency.


In celebration of Recovery Month 2022, Recovery Near You, the City of Wolverhampton Council and the Service User Involvement Team (SUIT) are joining forces to stage the walk around Wolverhampton city centre next Friday (30 September).


The event, United in Recovery, will bring people together to celebrate and support anyone with experience of recovery from all forms of addiction and dependency.


To take part, meet by the statue of Prince Albert in Queen Square at 12.30pm. The walk will head towards West Park, finishing at the Recovery Hub of Recovery Near You at Connaught Road. For more details, call 01902 420041.

Recovery Hub Service Manager Karl Phillips said: “There is a national Recovery walk each year, and this year it was in Newcastle, which is a long way from the city. Because of this we decided to hold our own walk in Wolverhampton, to host an event which is more accessible for the local community.